HCI International 2016
Toronto, Canada, 17 - 22 July 2016
The Westin Harbour Castle Hotel
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T11: Design of Training Programs using Multiple Modalities of Technologies

Monday, 18 July 2016, 14:00 - 17:30

Eileen M. Smith (short bio)
University of Central Florida, USA

Ronald W. Tarr (short bio)

Michael A. Carney (short bio)
Canon USA, USA

Cali M. Fidopiastis (short bio)
Design Interactive/University of Central Florida, USA


This tutorial session builds on a panel session from 2015. In this expansion, participants will actively work through a series of training scenarios using both round table and large group format. They will also receive information in the cutting edge fields of high-tech simulation and brain based learning. The format of the tutorial will allow participants to identify, discuss and reflect on incorporating multiple modalities of technologies into raising the effectiveness of the scenarios presented.

At the conclusion of the half-day timetable, tutorial participants will co-create several draft training modules/programs with the main goal of demonstrating how to incorporate various modalities to enhance learner outcomes.

Content and Benefits:

Using brief presentations by tutorial leaders as a focus for the discussion, participants will be given information on the current state of their group’s training scenario, and will begin the journey of discovering each modalities’ role in successful learning. Scheduled “report-backs” from each breakout group will be used to discover commonalities, and outlier issues, as each group creates a blended learning training program.

This tutorial session is designed to result in the creation of several draft training programs during the half-day timetable, demonstrating to participants how to move from theory into practice with scaffolding learners.

Session timeline:

  1. Introductory remarks by instructors
  2. Initial breakout session - Identify performance Issues, subjects and environment
    1. reason for choice
    2. initial concepts for final training program
    3. Initial reports back from discussion groups
  3. 2nd breakout session - Identify technology alternatives
    1. reason for choice
    2. concepts for technology usage
    3. reports back from discussion groups
  4. 3rd breakout session - Design intervention strategy for training program
    1. how each links to the others in a blended learning structure
    2. how each step would be measured and assessed
  5. Final breakout session - Develop technology intervention roadmap for training program
    1. how specifically would this intervention raise the desired performance


Target Audience:

The goal of this tutorial is to model how to approach the development of a blended learning system using appropriate technology to support learning objectives. The target audience for this tutorial is the broad range of developers and end-users of training projects. As this focus will be on creating and critiquing emerging programs based on the information discussed, both new and established professionals will find this journey very fulfilling.

Bio Sketch of Presenters:

Eileen Smith is the Director of the E2i Creative Studio at UCF’s Institute for Simulation & Training. Her research explores how the spectrum of technology can be used in understanding and assessing human performance. Her current research initiatives focus around scaffolding naïve learners into advanced learners, addressing diverse industries such as energy, emergency response, strategic situational awareness and increasing quality of life and recognition of value for long-term TBI survivors.
Cali Fidopiastis is the Chief Scientist for Design Interactive. She studies brain plasticity and its relationship to learning and training using simulated and real world training tools. Her work spans both DOD and civilian applications, turning the research into products to augment quality of life and work performance.
Michael Carney is a veteran of experience design for virtual, augmented and mixed reality. He spent nearly 10 years designing and producing immersive experiences at the Institute for Simulation and Training in Orlando, Fl. He has created numerous learning applications utilizing immersive technologies. Michael is now a visual Consultation for Mixed Reality at Canon USA.
Ronald Tarr is the President of RAPTARR, LLC and is recently retired as a senior Lab Director at UCF’s Institute for Simulation & Training. His focus is on researching methods for decomposing complex job performance into the underlying elements for a variety of communities, to include law enforcement, firefighters, social workers, forensic scientists, military services, commercial carriers and oil drilling personnel. Armed with the critically defined human performance he has translated them into learning strategies and technology interventions to facilitate multimodal training and simulation programs.

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Last revision date: February 19, 2025 by web@hcii2016.org