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HCI International News, Number 113, May 2022


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HCII 2022: Conference Details

HCII 2022 will be held under the auspices of 21 distinguished international boards as a rich virtual event supported with the advanced interactive features of the Whova event platform.

An award will be presented to the Best Paper of each of the HCII 2022 Thematic Areas / Affiliated Conferences and the Best Poster extended abstract.

The Conference Proceedings are published by Springer in a 40-volume set. Papers appear in volumes of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) and Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series. Poster Extended Abstracts in the form of short research papers will be published in the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series. This 40-volume set will be updated to include the "Late Breaking Work" volumes of the Proceedings, to be published after the conference.

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HCII 2022: Conference Advance Program

The Conference Advance program is available and has been adapted to suit the needs of the virtual format.

The conference will start and end at a different time each day allowing participants from different time zones (90 countries around the world) to join the conference during time-periods which, for some of the time, are more convenient for them, taking particularly into account - to the extent possible, the 'time-zone' of the presenters.

Table of Contents

HCII 2022: Tutorials' Program

Times indicated are “Central European Summer Time - CEST (Stockholm)
You can check your local time, using an online time conversion tool, such as www.timeanddate.com

Monday, 27 June 2022





How to Design User-Friendly Dashboards
Abbas Moallem

17:00 – 21:00


Respect user's time - experience architecture and design for efficiency
Helmut Degen

15:00 – 19:00


Explainable AI: Concepts, Methods and New Developments
Wojciech Samek

15:00 – 19:00


Ethical Working in HCII
Janet C Read

17:00 – 21:00


UX Research for Mobile Apps and Devices
Elizabeth Rosenzweig

15:00 – 19:00

Tuesday, 28 June 2022





10 Things you need to know to protect yourself and your company from cyber attacks
Abbas Moallem

17:00 – 21:00


Advanced User Testing with Biometric Sensors
Davy De Winne, Rutger De Wilde

12:00 – 16:00


Designing great user experiences without sketching
Everett McKay

17:00 – 21:00


Data-Driven Personas: A Tutorial
Joni Salminen, Soon-gyo Jung, Bernard J. Jansen

12:00 – 16:00


Design of Mobile Apps
Elizabeth Rosenzweig

17:00 – 21:00

Wednesday, 29 June 2022





Game Theory for Interaction Design
Daniel Rosenberg

17:00 – 21:00


Rockets, Robots, and AI: HCI/UX in Science-Fiction Movies/TV
Aaron Marcus

17:00 – 21:00


Assessing User Experience (UX) with Two Items: The UX-LITE
James Lewis

17:00 – 21:00


Speech-based Interaction: Myths, Challenges and Opportunities
Cosmin Munteanu, Gerald Penn

17:00 – 21:00


Simple (interactive) statistics for HCI
Jean-Bernard Martens

12:00 – 16:00

Thursday, 30 June 2022





Micro-interaction Design for delightful experiences
Daniel Rosenberg

17:00 – 21:00


Cross-Cultural HCI/User-Experience Design: New Trends and Approaches
Aaron Marcus

17:00 – 21:00


Eye Tracking: Applications, Recording, Analytics, Interaction
Andrew Duchowski

17:00 – 21:00


Intuitive Conversational User Interfaces (USABLEBOTS)
Andreas Bleiker, Kyoko Sugisaki

10:00 – 14:00


How to design UX for mobile application: methods and tools
Paolo Perego, Roberto Sironi

10:00 – 14:00

Friday, 1 July 2022





Systematic HCI literature review methods and tools
Vincent Duffy

17:00 – 21:00


Design with Human Data - Create, Prototype and Evaluate with people's data, the human-centered way
Thomas Otto

12:00 – 16:00


Beyond the Bottleneck: Augmented Cognition Practice for Transformational Human-Computer Technology Design
Cali M. Fidopiastis

17:00 – 21:00


Automotive UX Design Based on Intercultural Research
Zaiyan Gong

12:00 – 16:00


An Introduction to Elicitation Study Design
Adam Williams, Francisco Ortega

17:00 – 21:00

Table of Contents

HCII 2022: Keynote speech by Ben Shneiderman

Ben Shneiderman (Emeritus Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Founding Director of the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory at the University of Maryland) will give the Keynote Speech during the Opening Plenary Session on Sunday 26 June 2022.

“Human-Centered AI: A New Synthesis”

Abstract: A new synthesis is emerging that integrates AI technologies with HCI approaches to produce Human-Centered AI (HCAI). Advocates of this new synthesis seek to amplify, augment, and enhance human abilities, so as to empower people, build their self-efficacy, support creativity, recognize responsibility, and promote social connections.
Educators, designers, software engineers, product managers, evaluators, and government agency staffers can build on AI-driven technologies to design products and services that make life better for the users. These human-centered products and services will enable people to better care for each other, build sustainable communities, and restore the environment. The passionate advocates of HCAI are devoted to furthering human values, rights, justice, and dignity, by building reliable, safe, and trustworthy systems.
The talk will include examples, references to further work, and discussion time for questions. These ideas are drawn from Ben Shneiderman’s latest book (Oxford University Press, January 2022). Further information is available.

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HCII 2022: Registration

HCII 2022 is organized and will be run as a virtual conference and all fees are offered at 50% of the 'in-person' fees.

Detailed information about the registration fees is available through the Conference website.

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Human-Computer Interaction and Social Changes

Access to information, knowledge, and entertainment is now available worldwide. The best example would be what happened during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Physical isolation and the necessity to do everything from home encouraged people to interact through the Internet even more than before. Many people before the Pandemic were reluctant, for example, to attend online social events. However, people quickly learned to use computer-based interaction, from studying groups and exercise classes to consulting doctors. This interaction happened in developed countries through the Internet and countries with limited infrastructure just by using a mobile phone.

Interestingly, people started liking interacting through the Internet to do things. Now, they have a hard time going back to live physical activities. Many people now prefer to work from home, take online classes, and not do them in person, if possible. These changes also affected the change in community size. In today's world, every individual is connected to many people through social media. While before, their community size was minimal within a small physical community. Now, a post of even a young adult can reach thousands, if not millions of people.

Human-Computer Interaction and Social Changes also promote democracy because communicating with others on a mass scale makes people aware of what is happening in their community and worldwide. Even in the most authoritarian systems, people still find a way to connect and be informed. However, the danger of influencing people's opinions through what is known as "Fake News" is also a real danger to democracy. Social media dramatically affects and shapes people's voting and actions, and participation in a democratic election. The Cambridge Analytica case is an excellent example of how social media influences people's opinions and votes. Many authoritarian regimes try to limit people's access to the Internet and information. Other democratic ones provide free access but may use it to control people and influence their votes.

The lack of appropriate laws and regulations in most countries makes this system wild. The behavior, information, and people's activities are monitored constantly. People are always under surveillance without their knowledge. Every type of user information is collected in mass, from their location purchasing habits to even what they order for food. Then with new technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, people's behavior can be accurately predicted and influenced.

Two fundamental principles that need to be considered in HCI are Privacy and Trust. The people's trust in using internet-based communication, automation, robotics, and so on, is fundamental. For example, people will never use autopilot in cars or automated driving vehicles if they don't trust their security. On the other hand, people's privacy, even though that might be a little abstract, plays an essential role in the usage and trust of a system.

At the 4th International Conference on HCI for Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Trust, a variety of contributions and topics related to privacy and trust and social changes will be presented and discussed. I look forward to seeing you all at this year's conference.

Abbas Moallem

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Norbert A. Streitz inducted into the CHI Academy

Congratulations to Dr. rer. nat. Dr. phil. Norbert A. Streitz (Scientific Director of the Smart Future Initiative) for being inducted to the CHI Academy (one of very few Germans so far). This award honors outstanding contributions and research excellence in the field of Human-Computer Interaction. It is granted by the ACM Special Interest Group for Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI). With respect to our HCI International Conference series, we are very happy and fortunate to have Norbert serving since 2013 as the co-chair of the affiliated ‘International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions’ (DAPI), initiated at that time by Constantine and Norbert. This year, DAPI 2022 celebrates its 10th edition under the leadership of Norbert and Shin'ichi.

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A new book by Abbas Moallem: "Understanding Cybersecurity Technologies: A Guide to Selecting the Right Cybersecurity Tools"

Cyberattacks on enterprises, government institutions, and individuals are exponentially growing. At the same time, the number of companies, both small and large, offering all types of solutions has been increasing too. Since companies rely on technological solutions to protect themselves against cyberattacks, understanding and selecting the right solutions among those offered presents a significant challenge for professionals, company executives, and newcomers to the cybersecurity field.

This is a timely and very well written book that:

  • Presents descriptions for each type of cybersecurity technology and their specifications
  • Explains applications, usages, and offers case studies to enhance comprehension
  • Offers an easy-to-understand classification of existing cybersecurity technologies
  • Provides an understanding of the technologies without getting lost in technical details
  • Focuses on existing technologies used in different solutions, without focusing on the companies that offer these technologies

This book is intended to help all professionals new to cybersecurity, students, and experts to learn or educate their audiences on the foundations of the available solutions.

Copyright Year 2022, Published by Ruthledge/Taylor & Francis Group

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Recent News and Articles

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About HCI International NEWS

The HCI International NEWS is a newsletter that contains information about the HCI International Conference, book reviews, news from the field of HCI, as well as links to interesting articles and conferences. If you have any questions or comments, or if you would like to contribute, please contact the Editor, Dr. Abbas Moallem. The opinions that are expressed in this Newsletter are the sole responsibility of its authors and do not represent any institution or company.

How to contribute:
We welcome your contribution to the HCI International News. Please send to us interesting news, short articles, interesting websites, etc. We will consider your comments and contributions for upcoming issues. Please send your contribution to the Editor, Dr. Abbas Moallem).

Previous Issues of HCI International NEWS are available online.

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HCI International 2022 Conference.

Table of Contents

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