HCI International 2016
Toronto, Canada, 17 - 22 July 2016
The Westin Harbour Castle Hotel
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Details about:
Registration Regulation Parallel Paper Presentations Poster Sessions Tutorials

REGULAR Submission Requirements & Deadlines
  Abstract Length Deadline for Abstract Receipt Notification of Review Outcome Deadline for Camera-ready Receipt
Papers 800 words Friday, 6 November 2015* Friday, 11 December 2015* Monday, 29 February 2016*
Posters 300 words Friday, 19 February 2016 Friday, 18 March 2016* Friday, 8 April 2016
Tutorials 300 words Friday, 6 November 2015* Friday 20 November 2015* Friday, 10 June 2016
Submissions will be handled through the Conference Management System (CMS)
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by three independent referees from the International Program Boards.

*extended deadlines

INVITED Papers Submissions
Process open until Monday, 29 February 2016 (under the guidance of Parallel Session Organizers)
Deadline for receiving the camera-ready version of invited papers: Monday, 29 February 2016 (extended deadline)


Registration Regulation:

In order to provide a greater opportunity for more people to present at the conference, multiple submissions by single authors cannot be accepted. Co-authors may appear on multiple papers, but each accepted paper, or poster, with multiple co-authors should have a different conference registrant.

For paper presentation at the Conference and inclusion of the full paper in the Proceedings, at least one registration per paper is required by Monday29 February 2016 (extended deadline).

For poster presentation at the Conference and inclusion of the Poster Extended Abstract in the Proceedings, at least one registration per poster is required by 8 April 2016.


Parallel Paper Presentations:

Paper proposals should include a statement of the objective and significance of the proposed presentation, a description of methods and a discussion of results:

  • papers in the theoretical category: dealing with models, concepts, and structures;
  • papers in the generic category: presenting research results of broad applicability; and
  • papers in the applied category: showing how the demands of particular application areas shape the way generic research is translated into practical innovation.

There are two different procedures for paper submission and selection in HCI International Conference series:

  1. The regular process: Prospective authors submit extended abstracts (800 words) of papers in one of the Conference Thematic Areas. Following a peer-review process, a decision is communicated to the authors.
    The review process of the HCI International Conference is not blind. The name and contact details of the author(s) that appear on the paper are given to the reviewers.
    The abstract, which should be submitted for the review process, can be submitted in either DOC or PDF format, but no special formatting guidelines apply in this stage. References, tables and figures are acceptable in the abstract. References are in addition to the 800-words limit.
  2. By invitation: The Conference has a long established tradition of inviting distinguished scientists and professionals in the broader HCI field to organize parallel sessions. Session organizers are responsible for inviting 6 or 7 prospective authors (academics, researchers and practitioners known in the field for their acknowledged work) to submit paper contributions. Session organizers are also responsible for organizing and carrying out the peer-review process either on an extended abstract or the full paper (it is up to them). It is also the responsibility of the session organizers to set up any intermediate deadlines with the authors in a way that would ensure that the camera-ready version (full papers, typically 10 pages, with minimum 8 pages long, maximum 12 pages long) of all session papers reach the Conference Organizers on time for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings. Therefore, the only hard deadline for invited parallel sessions is Monday, 29 February 2016 (extended deadline).

Camera-ready papers (full papers, typically 10 pages, with minimum 8 pages long, maximum 12 pages long) should be submitted in both DOC and PDF format.

Poster Sessions:

These sessions will accommodate the presentation of late-breaking scientific and professional news or work in progress. For the review process, an abstract of 300 words should be submitted, including the essence of the planned presentation.

The abstract, which should be submitted for the review process, can be submitted in either DOC or PDF format, but no special formatting guidelines apply in this stage. References, tables and figures are acceptable in the abstract. The 300-words limit excludes references.

The camera-ready poster extended abstracts shall have typically 5 pages (at least 4 and at maximum 6 pages) and must be written in the form of self-contained short research papers. They should be submitted in both DOC and PDF format.


Half-day and full-day Tutorials will be offered at introductory, intermediate and advanced levels covering the entire spectrum of the topics of the Conference. For the review process, an abstract of 300 words should be submitted, including the objective, content and target audience.


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Last revision date: February 22, 2025 by web@hcii2016.org